Tabaka Academy EYE Primary School
This is a small, private school is made up of 100 students, ranging from ages 4-12. Sweetwater Outreach was able to install a 5,000 L tank in September 2021. Prior to this, they used a shallow well that often dried up during the dry season, leaving very limited sources for water. There are not enough funds to purify the water, so the children still complain of stomach pains.
This is a small, private school is made up of 100 students, ranging from ages 4-12. Sweetwater Outreach was able to install a 5,000 L tank in September 2021. Prior to this, they used a shallow well that often dried up during the dry season, leaving very limited sources for water. There are not enough funds to purify the water, so the children still complain of stomach pains.
This is a small, private school is made up of 100 students, ranging from ages 4-12. Sweetwater Outreach was able to install a 5,000 L tank in September 2021. Prior to this, they used a shallow well that often dried up during the dry season, leaving very limited sources for water. There are not enough funds to purify the water, so the children still complain of stomach pains.